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Ley Lines Download Now


Updated: Mar 21, 2020

About This Game Ley Lines is a single-player action-adventure puzzle-solving game developed by a team of students at Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy! Thank you so much for taking the time to look at and play our game. Overview You are the last hope of a ruined world, capable of restoring the severed Ley Lines.Throughout the ruined temple of Miria's Heart, attune to and master five unique powers, allowing you to alter gravity, slow time, shift space, and much more. Unique puzzles scattered throughout the temple's remains can be overcome in a variety of ways by using and combining your world-bending abilities. Powers Gravity WellArrows fired while attuned to the Gravity Ley Line can produce spherical wells of potent energy. Objects will be drawn to the epicenter of these wells, allowing the player to unblock otherwise impassable barriers, curve the trajectory of her arrows, and even slingshot herself to new heights.Light BridgeArrows fired while attuned to the Bridge Ley Line can produce long platforms of hard light.By striking a beginning point and an end point on receptive relics in the environment, the player can cross wide chasms and even break through brittle structures.Levitation Arrows fired while attuned to the Levitation Ley Line can make receptive relics weightless, and movable at a distance through thought alone. By arranging weightless platforms in a series, players can climb to otherwise unreachable locations through levitation alone, or use cleverly placed floating relics in combination with other ley abilities to solve puzzles in unique ways.Time SlowArrows fired while attuned to the Gravity Ley Line can slow objects to a fraction of their former speed.In situations where slowing fast-moving relics individually is not enough, the player can also temporarily slow down all time around her.The unbound and corrupted ley energy of the temple causes many objects to move rapidly and randomly. Slowing time is often the only way to bypass these dangerous obstacles.WarpArrows fired while attuned to the Warp Ley Line can transport receptive relics forward in an instant, even bypassing otherwise impermeable barriers. The player is also capable of placing a single "warp point" to which she can recall at any time, even if the path behind her has been blocked. 7aa9394dea Title: Ley LinesGenre: Action, Adventure, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:Miria StudiosPublisher:Miria StudiosRelease Date: 5 Dec, 2016 Ley Lines Download Now ley lines and earth energies pdf download. ley lines brisbane. ley lines in america. ley lines and portals. ley lines zürich. ley lines in oregon. ley lines youtube. ley lines south england. ley lines rosslyn chapel. ley lines arkansas. ley lines nh. ley lines nyc. ley lines pathfinder. ley lines ohio map. ley lines for google earth. ley lines grid. ley lines north america. ley lines east grinstead. ley lines in florida. ley lines and freemasonry. ley lines takashi miike. ley lines america. ley lines devon. ley lines washington. ley lines chicago. ley lines denver colorado. ley lines earth map A graphically amazing game with extremely novel gameplay, you play as a hooded huntress, using your changing magical powers to help you progress through the puzzles in the game. The best game I've tested for a while, and thoroughly enjoyable.Make up your own mind with this gameplay: Not even an hour long puzzle game. The movement is a little clunky, but it has some fun ideas for the puzzles.In summary - fun, short and free game.. TrashThe shooting isn't that great.. I was surprised when i saw this game on my recommended list, but I decided to download and play it anyway; it was free after all. I didn't go in expecting all that much, but I truely enjoyed all 48 minutes of the game I played. It's short, but sweet, a little puzzle platformer with a world I'd like to see more of, complete with it's own lore, and a bit of emotion behind the narritive. I don't want to spoil anything, so i'll try to avoid commenting on the plot, but the music, while ambient, is quite enjoyable, and there are a few collectables to find hidden throughout the short adventure. The graphics aren't pushing any limits, especially with visibly basic geoforms, but the character model is quite detailed, and I'm fond of her design. Really, i can't do much to sell such a short experience beyond saying it'll be well worth the relitively little time it'll take to download and play this experience. Oh, and I'm trying to track down the credits tune for my own collection as we speak.I sincearly wish the devteam all the best with whatever endevors they undertake going forward and hope to see more from them, and especially more of this world, going forward.. Some interesting stuff going on. It's free, give it a try!. MY GOD this game is good. The puzzles are challenging, but not annoyingly hard. The story is decent, and you're not bombarded with it. There is more gameplay than cutscenes, which I always love. The only part of this game that I don't like is that it was over way too quick.. I feel like I own these students some money <3(Even though it's a platformer and I hate Unreal Engines default air control of absolutely 0 :D)


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